Lorne Resource Center, day 5 + the weekend
First thing in the morning I had a talk with Janine, who is a Senior community learning disability nurse. Her job is to help the clients at the Center and Oban + surroundings with communication skills. It was very interesting to talk to her and compare the things that they do here and what we do at our college. We just had time for a half an hour chat so we decided to meet each other again next week.
At ten a group of clients went lawnbowling and I went with them. It was a bit like boccia or petanque. Everyone was really happy to join in and play. I had a change to play with the clients so that was a new expierience for me. It was actually harder than it looked. Afterwards we had pancakes and tea at the clubhouse.
In the afternoon I joined in on a music course. A music teacher Alistair was the leader of this group. The clients pay separately for him to join in the course, because Alistair is not permanent staff member at the center. Everyone had a change to sing in front of everyone and also everyone had to change to conduct others playing. Also Alistair had clients improvising with their instruments and others listening.
During the weekend I had a great time on the Isla of Islay. It is a beautiful island and famous for its distilleries. Mull of Oa was really beautiful.
Working Abroad-hanke on ammatillisten erityisoppilaitosten kumppanuusverkoston kansainvälisyystyöryhmän uusi yhteinen hanke, jota rahoittaa Opetushallitus. Hankkeessa ovat mukana Ammattiopisto Luovi, Bovallius-ammattiopisto, Validia Ammattiopisto, Keskuspuiston ammattiopisto, Kiipulan ammattiopisto ja Seurakuntaopisto. Hankkeen kesto on 1.8.2013-31.12.2015. Hanketta koordinoi Bovallius-ammattiopisto.
tiistai 23. syyskuuta 2014
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